Northern Horizon Dental Innisfil

Dental Bridges in Innisfil

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Dental Bridges Near You

Missing teeth can create challenges in your daily routine. Missing teeth can affect your self-esteem and contribute to a decline in your oral health. The gaps caused by missing teeth create an ideal space for bacteria to reside and create tooth decay and bone deterioration. Your remaining teeth may also shift into undesirable positions in an attempt to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. Dental bridges work to fill in these gaps and restore your smile. Northern Horizon Dental Innisfil provides dental bridges in Innisfil as a way to protect your oral health and bring back your confidence.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a series of dental crowns stuck together that act as a replacement for your missing teeth. Most dental bridges are secured in your mouth using your natural teeth as anchors. Dental bridges are understood to be a part of both cosmetic and restorative dentistry as they work to remove gaps and restore the function of your teeth.

There are many options for dental bridges, and each option uses different types of materials and methods. Depending on the location of your gaps and your desired outcome from this treatment, your dentist will discuss with you the best type of bridge for your needs.

dental bridges in innisfil
dental bridges near you

Benefits of Receiving Dental Bridges

Dental bridges come with numerous benefits, such as:

  • Preventing your teeth from shifting
  • Enhancing your smile
  • Improving your chewing ability
  • Restoring the shape of your face
  • Readjusting your bite
  • Improving your oral health
  • Preventing the deterioration of your jawbone
  • Improving your confidence

Looking After Your Dental Bridges

The recovery process for dental bridges varies depending on the type of bridge you receive. Typically, dental bridges come with a fairly quick and easy recovery process. You should be able to return to your daily activities without much trouble within a few days of receiving dental bridges. Some soreness and tenderness are normal and should go away within a few days.

If you take proper care of your dental bridges, they can last you for many years. To get the most out of your dental bridges, it is advised that you:

  • Frequently visit your dentist for check-ups and cleanings
  • Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic wash
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Avoid hard foods

Interested in Dental Bridges Near You?

If you have missing teeth and want to learn more about dental bridges, contact us! Northern Horizon Dental Innisfil offers dental bridges in Innisfil as one of our many restorative dentistry options. Please contact our clinic to book an appointment about dental bridges near you.